
Headache from PACAP Perspective

Messoud Ashina

Possible diagnostic criteria for COVID-19 associated headaches during the pandemic

Betül Baykan

Lessons from COVID-19: clues for headache mechanisms

Hayrunnisa Bolay

Choosing the efficient acute treatment for migraine

Abubaker Abdul Rahman
Shaffi Al Madani

Choosing the Right Preventive Treatment for Migraine

Robert Cowan

Global Burden of Headache and Quality of Medical Care

Zaza Katsarava

Migraine acute attack management

Mustafa Ertaş

Practical approach to headache during pregnancy and puerperium

Füsun Mayda Domaç

Migraine and gut; bidirectional effect

Mansoureh Togha

Migraine and vascular co-morbidities

Derya Uludüz

Migraine related depression

Yared Mamushed

Practical approach to chronic migraine

Fayyaz Ahmed

Management of medication overuse headache

Ramez Reda Mustafa

Update on Trigeminal Neuralgia

Najib Kissani

Facial pain with focus on autoimmune disorder

Hossein Ansari

Clinical diagnostic approach to trigemino-autonomic autonomic cephalalgias

Esme Ekizoğlu

Comparison of perceptions and beliefs related to headache of adolesscents with episodic migraine diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder


Risk Factor for White Matter Lesions Detected in Migraine Patients


Prevalence Of Primary Headache And Factors Associated With İt Among Rift Valley University Adama Campus students, 2019


Post Dural Puncture Headache Changes Headache Characteristics of Chronic Headache


Vitamin D3 might protect against inflammation in migraine: post hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial


Are There Differences In Brain Microstructure In Migraine With And Without Aura: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study


The Prevalence Of Migraine Comorbidity In Idiopathic Epilepsy Syndromes: The Preliminary Results Of A Multıcenter Study Across Turkey

Arife Çimen Atalar

Servical And Ocular Vestibular-Brainstem Evoked Potentials In Vestibular Migraine And Classical Migraine


The Prophylactic Effectiveness Of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation In Migraine Patients In Relation To Allodynia: A Randomized Controlled Double-Blind Study


Headache In Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Effects Of Pulmonary Function Parameters

Aysegül DEMİR

Sleep Quality is Poor in Patients with Chronic Migraine

Hamit Genç

The Relation Between Morning Headache and Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Esra Aydın Sünbül

Patient Selection and Drug Selection for Peripheral Nerve Blocks

Gül Köknel Talu

Trigger Point İnjections, SPG Blocks

Tuğba Tunç

Onabotulinumtoxin a Injections

Derya Uludüz

Headache in children and adolescence

Ishaq Abu Arafeh

Update on headache related to intracranial pressure changes

Henrik Sychtyz

How To Recognize And Manage Geriatric Headache?

Aynur Özge

Primary Headache Associated with Sexual Activity

Buse Çağla Arı

Comparison of the Triggers in Migraine Versusu Epilepsy: A Survey Study in Neurology Outpatient Clinics

Emel Ur Özçelik

Comparing the efficiency of treating chronic migraine patients with great occipital nerve (GON) block and GON block and trigger point injection (TPI) combination

Ceyla ATAÇ

Chronic Headache, Comorbidities, Lifestyle and Treatment modalities in an Adolescent Population

Tuğba Uyar CANKAY

Effectiveness of Greater Occipital Nerve Blocks in Chronic Migraine

Esra Acıman Demirel

The Reversibility of the Imaging Findings in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension

Şennur Delibaş Katı

Validity And Reliability Of The Turkish Version Of The Mig-Scog Scale In Patients With Migraine

Burcu Polat

Connective Tissue Massage

Serap ÖZGÜL (PT. PhD. Assoc. Prof.) (Hacettepe University)

Relaxation training and body-awareness therapy

Hamiyet YÜCE (PT. PhD. Assoc. Prof.) ( Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University)

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy in Pediatric Headaches

Ozan Kayar (PhD.) (Clinical Psychologist) (Çankırı Karatekin University)

Bio Psycho Social Approach

Uğur CAVLAK, (PT. PhD Prof.) (Avrasya University)

Electrotherapy use in Headache

Zeliha Özlem YÜRÜK (PT . PhD. Assoc. Prof.) (Başkent University)

Field experience

Mahmut ÇALIK (PT. PhD. Asst. Prof.) (Üsküdar University)

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